1-1 本周整体内容介绍和学习方法
重点:脚手架安装 项目/组件 功能开发。
2-1 脚手架安装项目模板架构设计
2-2 脚手架组件初始化架构设计
tiny change:
第三章 脚手架模板安装核心实现:ejs 库功能详解
3-1 ejs模板引擎的三种基本用法
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 const ejs = require ('ejs' )const path = require ('path' )const html ='<div><%= user.name%></div>' const options = {}const data ={ user :{ name :'liugezhou' } } const template = ejs.compile (html,options) const compileTemplate = template (data)console .log (compileTemplate) const renderTemplate = ejs.render (html,data,options)console .log (renderTemplate)const renderFile = ejs.renderFile (path.resolve (__dirname,'template.html' ),data,options)renderFile.then (file => console .log (file))
3-2 ejs模板不同标签用法详解
<% : ‘脚本’标签,用于流程控制,无输出。
<%= : 输出数据到模版(输出是转义Html标签)
<%- : 输出非转义的数据到模版 :如果数据是liugehou
<%# : 注释标签,不执行、不输出内容,但是会占空间。
<%_ : 删除前面空格空符
-%>: 删除紧随其后的换行符
_%>: 删除后面空格字符
3-3 ejs模板几种特殊用法
包含: include
自定义分隔符: 我们上面默认使用的是%,我们只需要在options参数中定义 delimiter这个参数即可
自定义文件加载器: 在使用ejs.renderFile读取文件之前,可以使用ejs.fileLoader做一些操作
1 2 3 4 ejs.fileLoader = function (filePath ){ const content = fs.readFileSync (filePath) return '<div><%= user.copyright %></div>' + content }
3-4 glob用法小结
1 2 3 4 5 const glob = require ('glob' )glob ('**/*.js' ,{ignore :['node_modules/**' ,'webpack.config.js' ]},function (err,file ){ console .log (file) })
4-1 引入项目模板类型和标准安装逻辑开发
接着便需要安装模版,新建了安装模版 installTemplate()方法,并对拿到模版的type进行判断,
4-2 拷贝项目模板功能开发
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 async installNormalTemplate ( ){ const spinner = spinnerStart ('正在安装模板...' ) await sleep () try { const templatePath = path.resolve (this .templateNpm .cacheFilePath ,'template' ) const targetPath = process.cwd () fse.ensureDirSync (templatePath) fse.ensureDirSync (targetPath) fse.copySync (templatePath,targetPath) } catch (error) { throw error } finally { spinner.stop (true ) log.success ('模板安装成功' ) } }
4-3 项目模板安装依赖和启动命令 | 4-4 白名单命令检测功能开发
1 2 3 4 5 6 const { installCommand,startCommand } = this .templateInfo await this .execCommand (installCommand,'依赖过程安装失败!' )await this .execCommand (startCommand,'启动命令执行失败失败!' )
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 const WHITE_COMMAND =['npm' , 'cnpm' ] async execCommand (command,errMsg ){ let ret if (command){ const cmdArray=command.split (' ' ) const cmd = this .checkCommand (cmdArray[0 ]) if (!cmd){ throw new Error (errMsg) } const args = cmdArray.slice (1 ) ret = await execAsync (cmd,args,{ stdio :'inherit' , cwd :process.cwd () }) if (ret !== 0 ){ throw new Error ('依赖安装过程失败' ) } return ret } } checkCommand (cmd ){ if (WHITE_COMMAND .includes (cmd)){ return cmd } return null ; }
4-5 项目名称自动格式化功能开发
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 if (projectInfo.projectName ){ projectInfo.name = projectInfo.projectName projectInfo.className = require ('kebab-case' )(projectInfo.projectName ).replace (/^-/ ,'' ); } if (projectInfo.projectVersion ){ projectInfo.version = projectInfo.projectVersion }
4-6 本章核心:ejs动态渲染项目模板
首先将vue2模版中package.json文件中的name以及version使用<%= className%>和<%= version%>替代,并发布新的版本至npm。
commands/init模块安装 ejs和glob库。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 async ejsRender (options ){ const dir = process.cwd () const projectInfo = this .projectInfo return new Promise ((resolve,reject )=> { glob ('**' ,{ cwd :dir, ignore :options.ignore || '' , nodir :true },(err,files ) => { if (err){ reject (err) } Promise .all (files.map (file => { const filePath = path.join (dir,file) return new Promise ( (resolve1,reject1 ) => { ejs.renderFile ( filePath,projectInfo,{},(err,result ) => { if (err){ reject1 (err) } fse.writeFileSync (filePath,result) resolve1 (result) }) }) })).then (()=> { resolve () }).catch (err => { reject (err) }) }) }) }
4-7 init命令直接传入项目名称功能支持
本节完成的是 对命令行中传入项目名称的一个支持
第五章 组件模板开发及脚手架组件初始化功能支持
5-1 慕课乐高组件库模板开发
5-2 项目和组件模板数据隔离+动态配置ejs ignore
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 const { type } = await inquirer.prompt ({ type :'list' , name :'type' , message :'请选择初始化类型' , default :TYPE_PROJECT , choices : [{ name : '项目' , value : TYPE_PROJECT , }, { name : '组件' , value : TYPE_COMPONENT , }] }) this .template = this .template .filter (template => template.tag && template.tag .includes (type))const title = type === TYPE_PROJECT ? '项目' :'组件' const projectNamePrompt = { type :'input' , name :'projectName' , message :`请输入${title} 的名称` , default :'' , validate :function (v ){ const done = this .async () setTimeout (function ( ){ if (!isValidName (v)){ done (`请输入合法的${title} 名称` ) return ; } done (null ,true ) }, 0 ); }, filter :function (v ){ return v } } const projectPrompt = []if (!isProjectNameValid) { projectPrompt.push (projectNamePrompt); } projectPrompt.push ({ type :'input' , name :'projectVersion' , default :'1.0.0' , message :`请输入${title} 版本号` , validate :function (v ){ const done = this .async (); setTimeout (function ( ) { if (!(!!semver.valid (v))) { done (`请输入合法的${title} 版本号` ); return ; } done (null , true ); }, 0 ); }, filter :function (v ){ if (semver.valid (v)){ return semver.valid (v) } else { return v } }, },{ type :'list' , name :'projectTemplate' , message :`请选择${title} 模板` , choices : this .createTemplateChoice () })
5-3 获取组件信息功能开发
完整核心代码如下,添加了 descriptionPrompt
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 else if (type === TYPE_COMPONENT ){ const descriptionPrompt = { type :'input' , name :'componentDescription' , message :'请输入组件描述信息' , default :'' , validate :function (v ){ const done = this .async () setTimeout (() => { if (!v){ done ('请输入组件描述信息' ) return } done (null ,true ) }, 0 ); } } projectPrompt.push (descriptionPrompt) const component = await inquirer.prompt (projectPrompt) projectInfo = { ...projectInfo, type, ...component } } …… if (projectInfo.componentDescription ){ projectInfo.description = projectInfo.componentDescription }
5-4 解决组件库初始化过程中各种工程问题
慕课乐高组件库,在发布到npm包时,安装出现问题,问题原因是 package.json中,需要将
“files”:[‘dist’] 这行代码去除,这是因为files这里限定了上传发布到npm后只有dist这个目录。
第六章 脚手架自定义初始化项目模板功能开发
6-1 自定义项目模板开发
6-2 自定义模板执行逻辑开发
6-3 自定义模板上线
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 async installCustomTemplate ( ){ if (await this .templateNpm .exists ()){ const rootFile = this .templateNpm .getRootFilePath () if (fs.existsSync (rootFile)){ log.verbose ('开始执行自定义模板' ) const templatePath = path.resolve (this .templateNpm .cacheFilePath , 'template' ); const options = { templateInfo : this .templateInfo , projectInfo : this .projectInfo , sourcePath : templatePath, targetPath : process.cwd (), }; const code = `require('${rootFile} ')(${JSON .stringify(options)} )` await execAsync ('node' , ['-e' , code], {stdio :'inherit' ,cwd : process.cwd ()}) log.success ('自定义模版安装成功' ) }else { throw new Error ('自定义模板入口文件不存在' ) } } }
第七章 本周加餐:ejs 库源码解析 —— 彻底搞懂模板动态渲染原理
7-1 ejs.compile执行流程分析
本节内容较简单,我们打开webstore,从下面的代码开始调试(11行 打断点)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 const ejs = require ('ejs' )const html = '<div><%= user.name %></div>' const options = {}const data = { user :{ name :'liugezhou' } } const template = ejs.compile (html,options)const compiletemplate = template (data)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 exports .compile = function compile (template, opts ) { var templ; if (opts && opts.scope ) { …… } templ = new Template (template, opts); return templ.compile (); };
templ = new Template(template,opts) 我们继续进去源码,重要的有两点
this.templateText = text
this.regex = this.createRegex()
下节开始 templ.compile()
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 function Template (text, opts ) { opts = opts || {}; var options = {}; this .templateText = text; this .mode = null ; this .truncate = false ; this .currentLine = 1 ; this .source = '' ; options.client = opts.client || false ; options.escapeFunction = opts.escape || opts.escapeFunction || utils.escapeXML ; options.compileDebug = opts.compileDebug !== false ; options.debug = !!opts.debug ; options.filename = opts.filename ; options.openDelimiter = opts.openDelimiter || exports .openDelimiter || _DEFAULT_OPEN_DELIMITER; options.closeDelimiter = opts.closeDelimiter || exports .closeDelimiter || _DEFAULT_CLOSE_DELIMITER; options.delimiter = opts.delimiter || exports .delimiter || _DEFAULT_DELIMITER; options.strict = opts.strict || false ; options.context = opts.context ; options.cache = opts.cache || false ; options.rmWhitespace = opts.rmWhitespace ; options.root = opts.root ; options.includer = opts.includer ; options.outputFunctionName = opts.outputFunctionName ; options.localsName = opts.localsName || exports .localsName || _DEFAULT_LOCALS_NAME; options.views = opts.views ; options.async = opts.async ; options.destructuredLocals = opts.destructuredLocals ; options.legacyInclude = typeof opts.legacyInclude != 'undefined' ? !!opts.legacyInclude : true ; if (options.strict ) { options._with = false ; } else { options._with = typeof opts._with != 'undefined' ? opts._with : true ; } this .opts = options; this .regex = this .createRegex (); }
7-2 深入讲解ejs编译原理
上一节我们看到了 return templet.compile()处,源代码如下
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 compile : function ( ) { var src; var fn; var opts = this .opts ; var prepended = '' ; var appended = '' ; var escapeFn = opts.escapeFunction ; var ctor; var sanitizedFilename = opts.filename ? JSON .stringify (opts.filename ) : 'undefined' ; if (!this .source ) { this .generateSource (); prepended += ' var __output = "";\n' + ' function __append(s) { if (s !== undefined && s !== null) __output += s }\n' ; if (opts.outputFunctionName ) { prepended += ' var ' + opts.outputFunctionName + ' = __append;' + '\n' ; } if (opts.destructuredLocals && opts.destructuredLocals .length ) { var destructuring = ' var __locals = (' + opts.localsName + ' || {}),\n' ; for (var i = 0 ; i < opts.destructuredLocals .length ; i++) { var name = opts.destructuredLocals [i]; if (i > 0 ) { destructuring += ',\n ' ; } destructuring += name + ' = __locals.' + name; } prepended += destructuring + ';\n' ; } if (opts._with !== false ) { prepended += ' with (' + opts.localsName + ' || {}) {' + '\n' ; appended += ' }' + '\n' ; } appended += ' return __output;' + '\n' ; this .source = prepended + this .source + appended; } if (opts.compileDebug ) { src = 'var __line = 1' + '\n' + ' , __lines = ' + JSON .stringify (this .templateText ) + '\n' + ' , __filename = ' + sanitizedFilename + ';' + '\n' + 'try {' + '\n' + this .source + '} catch (e) {' + '\n' + ' rethrow(e, __lines, __filename, __line, escapeFn);' + '\n' + '}' + '\n' ; } else { src = this .source ; } if (opts.client ) { src = 'escapeFn = escapeFn || ' + escapeFn.toString () + ';' + '\n' + src; if (opts.compileDebug ) { src = 'rethrow = rethrow || ' + rethrow.toString () + ';' + '\n' + src; } } if (opts.strict ) { src = '"use strict";\n' + src; } if (opts.debug ) { console .log (src); } if (opts.compileDebug && opts.filename ) { src = src + '\n' + '//# sourceURL=' + sanitizedFilename + '\n' ; } try { if (opts.async ) { try { ctor = (new Function ('return (async function(){}).constructor;' ))(); } catch (e) { if (e instanceof SyntaxError ) { throw new Error ('This environment does not support async/await' ); } else { throw e; } } } else { ctor = Function ; } fn = new ctor (opts.localsName + ', escapeFn, include, rethrow' , src); } catch (e) { if (e instanceof SyntaxError ) { if (opts.filename ) { e.message += ' in ' + opts.filename ; } e.message += ' while compiling ejs\n\n' ; e.message += 'If the above error is not helpful, you may want to try EJS-Lint:\n' ; e.message += 'https://github.com/RyanZim/EJS-Lint' ; if (!opts.async ) { e.message += '\n' ; e.message += 'Or, if you meant to create an async function, pass `async: true` as an option.' ; } } throw e; } var returnedFn = opts.client ? fn : function anonymous (data ) { var include = function (path, includeData ) { var d = utils.shallowCopy ({}, data); if (includeData) { d = utils.shallowCopy (d, includeData); } return includeFile (path, opts)(d); }; return fn.apply (opts.context , [data || {}, escapeFn, include, rethrow]); }; if (opts.filename && typeof Object .defineProperty === 'function' ) { var filename = opts.filename ; var basename = path.basename (filename, path.extname (filename)); try { Object .defineProperty (returnedFn, 'name' , { value : basename, writable : false , enumerable : false , configurable : true }); } catch (e) {} } return returnedFn; },
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 generateSource : function ( ) { var opts = this .opts ; this .templateText = this .templateText .replace (/[ \t]*<%_/gm , '<%_' ).replace (/_%>[ \t]*/gm , '_%>' ); var self = this ; var matches = this .parseTemplateText (); var d = this .opts .delimiter ; var o = this .opts .openDelimiter ; var c = this .opts .closeDelimiter ; if (matches && matches.length ) { matches.forEach (function (line, index ) { var closing; if ( line.indexOf (o + d) === 0 && line.indexOf (o + d + d) !== 0 ) { closing = matches[index + 2 ]; if (!(closing == d + c || closing == '-' + d + c || closing == '_' + d + c)) { throw new Error ('Could not find matching close tag for "' + line + '".' ); } } self.scanLine (line); }); } },
7-3 动态生成Function+with用法讲解
1 2 fn = new ctor (opts.localsName + ', escapeFn, include, rethrow' , src);
const ctor = Function;
const fn = new ctor(‘a,b’,‘console.log(a,b)’)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 var __line = 1 , __lines = "<div><%= user.name%></div>" , __filename = undefined ; try { var __output = "" ; function __append (s ) { if (s !== undefined && s !== null ) __output += s } with (locals || {}) { ; __append ("<div>" ) ; __append (escapeFn( user.name )) ; __append ("</div>" ) } return __output; } catch (e) { rethrow (e, __lines, __filename, __line, escapeFn); }
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 const ctx = { user :{ name :'liugezhou' } } with (ctx ){ console .log (user.name ) }
7-4 ejs compile函数执行流程分析
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 function test (a,b,c ){ console .log (a,b,c) console .log (this .a ) } test (1 ,2 ,3 ) test.apply ({a :'applt' },[2 ,3 ,4 ]) test.call ({a :'call' ,2 ,3 ,4 )
7-5 ejs.render和renderFile原理讲解
const renderTemplate = ejs.render(html,data,options)
exports.render ==> handleCache(opts, template)
handleCache ==> return exports.compile(template, options);
handleCache(opts, template)(data)
const renderFile = ejs.renderFile(path .resolve(__dirname,‘template.html’),data,options)
tryHandleCache(opts, data, cb)
第八章 加餐:require源码解析,彻底搞懂 npm 模块加载原理
8-1 require源码执行流程分析
加载内置模块: require(‘fs’)
require如何加载内置模块? loadNativeModule
我们从 require(‘./ejs’) 这行代码在webStorm中开始调试。(点击step into )
打开 Scripts --> no domain --> internal --> modules --> cjs --> helpers.js
return mod.require(path); ----> line of 77 [helpers.js]
继续step into到下一步,进去Module对象的require方法
代码如下: (校验参数为 string类型且不为空)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Module .prototype .require = function (id ) { validateString (id, 'id' ); if (id === '' ) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_VALUE ('id' , id, 'must be a non-empty string' ); } requireDepth++; try { return Module ._load (id, this , false ); } finally { requireDepth--; } };
Module._load(id,this,false) :
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 Module ._load = function (request, parent, isMain ) { let relResolveCacheIdentifier; if (parent) { debug ('Module._load REQUEST %s parent: %s' , request, parent.id ); relResolveCacheIdentifier = `${parent.path} \x00${request} ` ; const filename = relativeResolveCache[relResolveCacheIdentifier]; if (filename !== undefined ) { const cachedModule = Module ._cache [filename]; if (cachedModule !== undefined ) { updateChildren (parent, cachedModule, true ); return cachedModule.exports ; } delete relativeResolveCache[relResolveCacheIdentifier]; } } const filename = Module ._resolveFilename (request, parent, isMain); const cachedModule = Module ._cache [filename]; if (cachedModule !== undefined ) { updateChildren (parent, cachedModule, true ); return cachedModule.exports ; } const mod = loadNativeModule (filename, request, experimentalModules); if (mod && mod.canBeRequiredByUsers ) return mod.exports ; const module = new Module (filename, parent); if (isMain) { process.mainModule = module ; module .id = '.' ; } Module ._cache [filename] = module ; if (parent !== undefined ) { relativeResolveCache[relResolveCacheIdentifier] = filename; } let threw = true ; try { if (enableSourceMaps) { try { module .load (filename); } catch (err) { rekeySourceMap (Module ._cache [filename], err); throw err; } } else { module .load (filename); } threw = false ; } finally { if (threw) { delete Module ._cache [filename]; if (parent !== undefined ) { delete relativeResolveCache[relResolveCacheIdentifier]; } } } return module .exports ; };
8-2 require加载模块原理详解
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 Module .prototype .load = function (filename ) { debug ('load %j for module %j' , filename, this .id ); assert (!this .loaded ); this .filename = filename; this .paths = Module ._nodeModulePaths (path.dirname (filename)); const extension = findLongestRegisteredExtension (filename); if (filename.endsWith ('.mjs' ) && !Module ._extensions ['.mjs' ]) { throw new ERR_REQUIRE_ESM (filename); } Module ._extensions [extension](this , filename); this .loaded = true ; if (experimentalModules) { const ESMLoader = asyncESM.ESMLoader ; const url = `${pathToFileURL(filename)} ` ; const module = ESMLoader .moduleMap .get (url); const exports = this .exports ; if (module !== undefined && module .module !== undefined ) { if (module .module .getStatus () >= kInstantiated) module .module .setExport ('default' , exports ); } else { ESMLoader .moduleMap .set ( url, () => new ModuleJob (ESMLoader , url, () => new ModuleWrap (url, undefined , ['default' ], function ( ) { this .setExport ('default' , exports ); }) , false , false ) ); } } };
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Module ._extensions ['.js' ] = function (module , filename ) { if (filename.endsWith ('.js' )) { const pkg = readPackageScope (filename); if (pkg && pkg.data && pkg.data .type === 'module' ) { const parentPath = module .parent && module .parent .filename ; const packageJsonPath = path.resolve (pkg.path , 'package.json' ); throw new ERR_REQUIRE_ESM (filename, parentPath, packageJsonPath); } } const content = fs.readFileSync (filename, 'utf8' ); module ._compile (content, filename); };
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 Module .prototype ._compile = function (content, filename ) { let moduleURL; let redirects; if (manifest) { moduleURL = pathToFileURL (filename); redirects = manifest.getRedirector (moduleURL); manifest.assertIntegrity (moduleURL, content); } maybeCacheSourceMap (filename, content, this ); const compiledWrapper = wrapSafe (filename, content, this ); var inspectorWrapper = null ; if (getOptionValue ('--inspect-brk' ) && process._eval == null ) { if (!resolvedArgv) { if (process.argv [1 ]) { try { resolvedArgv = Module ._resolveFilename (process.argv [1 ], null , false ); } catch { assert (ArrayIsArray (getOptionValue ('--require' ))); } } else { resolvedArgv = 'repl' ; } } if (resolvedArgv && !hasPausedEntry && filename === resolvedArgv) { hasPausedEntry = true ; inspectorWrapper = internalBinding ('inspector' ).callAndPauseOnStart ; } } const dirname = path.dirname (filename); const require = makeRequireFunction (this , redirects); let result; const exports = this .exports ; const thisValue = exports ; const module = this ; if (requireDepth === 0 ) statCache = new Map (); if (inspectorWrapper) { result = inspectorWrapper (compiledWrapper, thisValue, exports , require , module , filename, dirname); } else { result = compiledWrapper.call (thisValue, exports , require , module , filename, dirname); } hasLoadedAnyUserCJSModule = true ; if (requireDepth === 0 ) statCache = null ; return result; };
8-3 require加载内置模块和四种文件类型原理
加载内置模块:流程到 loadNativeModule结束。
加载node_modules模块:通过 Module._resolveFilename(request, parent, isMain)找到路径。
加载.js/.json/.node/mjs文件:Module._extensions[‘XXX’ ]
8-4 require缓存机制解析和CommonJS加载主模块原理
Module._load(main, null, true);
Module._extensions[extension](this, filename);
module._compile(content, filename);
8-5 require原理总结和回顾
new Module
实例化 Module 对象
Module._extensions[extension](this, filename)
exports, require, module, filename, dirname
return module.exports